Wednesday, September 17, 2008

High School Musical

These are three sample pages for Disney's Latin American version of the High School Musical movie.

Éstas son tres páginas de prueba para la versión Lationamericana de la película High School Musical.

Addaptation/Adaptación: Susy Romero
Inks/Tintas: Alejandro Palomares
Color: Tonatiuh Rocha
Pencils/trazo: Mariana Moreno


Robb Mommaerts said...

Hey Mariana!

Cool!! I have not seen your blogs before, just your Deviant page!! Good hearing from you here! Your work always inspires.

Awesome stuff!!!


Mariana Moreno said...

Robb: Thanks for visiting my blog and for your comments! I really appreciate it coming from such a great artist like you! :D

Big regards from Mexico!